the ginga way


School of Ginga methodology is based on the long term development of it's players and is focused on five key points.


In 2005, soccer across the United States was beginning to grow and flourish.  Professional soccer was back in the tri-state area (USL Cincinnati Kings) and more kids were playing “the beautiful game” than ever before.  

Jon Caldwell and Derek Smith, co-founders of GINGA, met while playing for the USL Cincinnati Kings professional soccer team. While in Cincinnati, Caldwell and Smith also continued their professions as youth soccer coaches in Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky. Both Caldwell and Smith continued their playing careers throughout the US after the Cincinnati Kings, however re-united back in Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky once again in 2010 to form GINGA.    

In 2010, GINGA was officially established in the Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area as a new revolution into youth soccer culture and development.  The foundation of GINGA was rooted in Street Soccer principles and total ball control concepts. With these concepts in mind, GINGA initially began with the Ginga Touch skills program, summer camp program, and dedicated facilitators of pelada's (street soccer pickup up games) for youth and adult.  

(2010-2017) GINGA had grown from a small niche of passionate players, to hundreds of youth soccer players who value community skill, and love of the beautiful game. During this time period, GINGA offered skills, futsal, camps, leagues, tournaments, and free-play. The players involved with GINGA were taking huge strides in their game, and the coaches, parents, and other players took notice. Street soccer / Futsal was alive in Cincinnati and the impact could be seen in the way kids played the beautiful game.

(2017-2024) In the 2017, GINGA evolved into the first full Soccer/Futsal club in the Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area. Our aim was to create an ideal environment for players to develop in a positive atmosphere year round. Players within our soccer program not only would benefit from the integrated trainings (soccer, futsal, skills, and free-play), they also now have positive community to call their home.

Our measure of success can be seen in three different areas: individual accomplishments, team successes, and community outreach. GINGA to date has produced several professional athletes, numerous collegiate players, and multiple youth national level standouts. Our soccer and futsal teams have won numerous championships, most notable 2x USYF National Champions, 1x United Futsal World Champions. Lastly, we are proud of efforts to better our community. GINGA has organized 1000’s of hours of free-play for athletes throughout the years. We have also partnered with key organizations such as FCC and 3CDC to bring more free-play soccer to our great community.


School of Ginga methodology is based on the long term development of it's players and is focused on five key points.

In order to achieve excellence in soccer, technical ability must be taught and encouraged at all levels of the game. Ball mastery leads to confidence and overall more enjoyment of the game. Therefore each training session will emphasize the importance of ball control, ball manipulation, and technical ability.

“There has to be thought behind every touch of the ball.”- Dennis Bergkamp

Technical, tactical, physical, and cognitive development elements will be present in all training exercises. These elements can vary, depending on the training session theme, to create purposeful learning principles to be successful.

 “Success is not accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all love of what you are doing or learning to do”  

- Pele

Technique is critical to long term success as a soccer player. Through repetition, our players and teams will learn game behaviors through training exercises. Using a balance of low and high pressure scenarios, players will develop while being challenged and finding successes.  

"You can't say you can control the ball until you can do it with your head up. When you can pick your head up, you can play with a smile and enjoy your soccer."  

- Lillian Thuram

The style of play is important for each player in the School of Ginga. Our detailed curriculum allows cohesiveness between coaches, players and methodology.  

“We are defenders who attack and attackers who defend.”

- Pep Guardiola


School of Ginga offers multiple programs including soccer, futsal, skills training, performance training, camps, competitions, and free-play. Our roots are engrained in street soccer, free play, futsal, and being passionate about the beautiful game of soccer. Join our community and experience soccer to the fullest.


Flock Sports Complex, centrally located in Cincinnati, will serve as the official home for the School of Ginga Cincinnati. The sports facility offers comfort, travel convenience, food/drink, as well as multiple surfaces ideal for soccer development

Northern Kentucky

School of Ginga will use parks and gyms in the Boone County and Kenton County areas to host training, competitions, and events.  Detailed locations can be found under each program.


Who can attend the Pelada outreach events?
Ginga is a supporter of the free-play movement. Throughout the year Ginga partners with different companies to advocate free play. Anyone can attend these events. Check our Pelada page for the next upcoming event.
Who can attend "pelada" at the School of Ginga?
All participants of the School of Ginga can attend Peladas free of charge at the facilities used by the School of Ginga. Please contact us if you would like to attend Pelada's hosted by Ginga.
What is "pelada"?
Pickup Soccer, Street Soccer, Free play!! In Brazil, the word is “pelada,” which literally means "naked"—the game stripped down to its core.
What is the Ginga mailing address?
Ginga LLC PO Box 15092 Lockland, OH 45215
Does Ginga offer financial aid?
Yes, check our resource page for more information
Does School of Ginga form teams?
The Ginga roots program will look to create house Ginga teams for ages u7-u9 to play in the Ginga Roots League or EPL. The Total Ginga Academy will look to form teams for ages u10-u19. There is a tryout process for TGA.
Why the different surfaces and balls?
Brazilians and many other countries play on the street, sand, or soccer wherever they can. Using different balls creates a fun challenge of ball control, skill and technique.
Futsal ball vs Soccer ball?
The weighted futsal ball stays on the ground, which allows kids to control the ball better to develop ball mastery. It also demands for good technique of the foot when striking the ball.
Does FIFA support futsal?
Futsal is the only indoor soccer sport approved by FIFA. FIFA is the governing body for soccer world.
Why do we use futsal for soccer development?
It's simple...The best players that have ever played the game played futsal or street soccer as a child. Futsal creates the right environment for player development. It requires each player to have fast thinking, good skills/ball control, and technique of striking or passing. U.S. Soccer is an advocate of the game of futsal. 5v5 Futsal is the best tool that translates directly to 11v11.
Do you offer less commitment programs?
Yes, in the summer and winter seasons! Players can take advantage of our summer and winter futsal programs, and camps throughout the year. We also offer seasonal Roots in the fall, winter, and spring seasons.
Does Ginga offer year round programs?
Yes, Ginga offers a 10 month futsal to soccer program August - May (fall, winter 1, winter 2, spring). The 10 month program is the only program that Ginga does not allow outside soccer club members to participate. Two reasons players will compete in soccer leagues and tournaments and double rosters are not allowed for OSYSA and we believe this program will only benefit players fully committed. The June-July months are optional as we provide summer camp opportunities.
Will your skills programs be too easy or too difficult for my son/daughter?
We have multiple curriculums for players based on age and ability. Our training will comfortably challenge beginners, intermediates, and advanced players.
What is School of Ginga?
School of Ginga is a soccer organization that encompasses all youth best practice development ideas within our programs. Our programs are based on culture, community, free play, training, and competition.
Where is School of Ginga located?
Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area.
Where did the name Ginga come from?
Ginga comes from Brazil. It is a word that is related to music or rhythm specifically "Brazilian samba". Brazilians say they are born with Ginga!
What ages can participate in programs?
Boys ages u4- u19 and Girls ages u4- u19
Who can signup for School of Ginga programs?
Any child that wants to play and/or train. You can be club, select, rec, or grassroots. The Ginga programs focus on the Individual development of the soccer player.